Get The Most Out Of Renewable Energy: Store It

More and more, we work with companies looking to incorporate renewable energy sources to power their facilities. Plugging in solar, wind, and other pieces make a lot of sense, but most businesses will get more bang for the buck by taking one step first.

Control Your Energy Costs

Most of the firms we talk to already employ various load shedding tactics to reduce their most dramatic energy peaks. More efficient equipment, creative scheduling, and other strategies can work well, but only to a point. We're advocating hard for those firms to be early adopters to energy storage. Technology that was unthinkable even a year ago has now hit production, creating batteries capable of handling those energy peaks, reducing the strain on both utility companies and their consumers. This saves our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars per year and lowers their rates with producers.

The next step is to plug-in energy production on-site. From natural gas to renewables, being able to control your own energy production not only lowers your bill but offers a unique opportunity to store any excess power you produce with your energy storage unit. Instead of selling your electricity back to the utility company at a lower rate than you purchase it for, you can keep it for your own use, effectively saving the costs you would have incurred at the utility company's rate!One step at a time. First, call Keen Technical Solutions. We'll undertake a comprehensive energy audit and closely examine years of your energy bills to offer a plan, determine the ideal size of ESS, and to help us set accurate predictions of just how much money you'll save with this innovative system.

Keep Your Green Promises

When the consumer is able to store the energy themselves, they are actually getting the full value of their energy. As alternative energy technology progresses, the ROI’s are going to be better and better making energy storage systems a vital part of managing energy for consumers.  But, even if a consumer has no current plans for solar or wind power, the energy storage systems are absorbing peak loads, saving huge amounts of money. Because of this, they are a win-win for consumers!

"What we've seen in the past six months is a shift in power. Businesses are now able to control their own power fluctuations and shape their energy future."— Tim Pulliam, Co-Founder, Keen Technical Solutions

Let's get started. Contact us today to take the first step to taking back control of your energy needs. 


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