Restart Safely: Clean Air And Peace Of Mind

Restart the right way. Across the country, businesses are getting back to work. With the threat of COVID-19 still very real, companies don’t just want to promise a safe environment for their team, but to deliver. America does innovation like no other nation on earth. We’ve already found many ideas on how to safely restart the economy through working from home, rotating employees, and taking active measures to reduce risks through social distancing, face masks, and aggressive disinfecting. Always looking to do more, companies are finally discovering that the most important focus aside from personal proximity is in the very air we breathe. Modern HVAC systems do so much more than simply circulate air. For years now, we’ve relied on Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization to reduce airborne pathogens, odors, and particulates by over 90%. That is the precise patented technology that businesses need to kill coronavirus with no impact on their team. It’s a crucial step to take as part of a comprehensive reopening plan. NPBI uses electric charges to attach and destroy airborne pathogens. It’s been an effective way to keep groups of people safe in a variety of settings over the years and has been successfully implemented in a variety of environments, including hospitals, warehouses, retail, and residential applications.It's a technology that we've quickly implemented to help some of our local clients start safely, especially in close quarters. One of the first calls we received came from Dr. Steve Andriese of Neuromuscular & Rehab associated here in Traverse City, Michigan. “We felt it was important to take these measures to purify our air for the health and safety of our employees and patients," he shared with us after the install. In a setting where health is such an important goal and where many clients could be at-risk, Dr. Andriese and his team showed a commitment to protecting everyone who walks through their doors.That's a sentiment shared by Dr. Paulson, a dentist here in Traverse City as well. Dental procedures, put on hold for months, are vital in the health and quality of life of everyone, and getting back up to speed quickly was paramount. We also installed NPBI systems at Dr. Paulson's Grand Traverse Smile Center, helping dental assistants, dentists, administration staff, and countless families get the care they need safely. The Center was already working hard to keep them safe, but Dr. Paulson saw it as a chance to do even more: "With all the concern about aerosols in the dental setting, I felt it was important to add an extra layer of protection to cleaning the air.  Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization provides that extra layer of protection for everyone in the office, patients, and staff," he reasoned.At Keen, we understand that the biggest challenge now isn’t risk, it’s uncertainty. We know the value in being able to communicate your efforts to employees and the world at large to show that you’ve taken great pains to keep your people safe. Through upgrading HVAC systems and other social distancing measures, we’re helping companies provide the information and data they need to help their employees make educated, informed decisions about their health. If you’re looking for more ways to restart safely, let us use our experience to share technologies that could make all the difference. Contact us today to get started! 


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