Schools Reopening: TC Central Breathes Safely

Students and parents around the country are anxious about returning to school. We’re helping to keep one local school breathe a little easier in the last weeks of summer vacation. While schools don't return until September in northern Michigan, student-athletes have been given permission to resume workouts in small groups for nearly three months now. Many of these group workouts have been moved outside, where the threat of coronavirus spread is much less. But for Doug Gle at Traverse City Central High School, that’s not enough. schools air purification In order to keep students safe now and this fall, we worked with Doug to implement our Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization air purification system to reduce the risk of all athletes in the strength and fitness facility. It’s one of the most important actions schools can take to ensure kids, staff, and administration are safe when the doors open to real numbers of people later this year. Like many around the state, Doug is leaving no stone unturned:  "It's important for us to do everything we can to keep our student-athletes healthy and safe. This air filtration system allows us to improve the air quality that our student-athletes are breathing by reducing exposure to viruses, bacteria, mold, and airborne particles.  Within 24 hours of installing the system, I had coaches and athletes already recognizing the improved air quality and overall smell of our facility." Parts of Michigan are now under a more restrictive Executive Order to keep indoor groups limited to ten people or less. For Michigan schools that often see thirty or more pupils at a time, that’s a sign of concern and puts the massive challenge they face to keep everyone healthy into perspective. We’ve been actively working with local schools and school districts around the state to assess their current HVAC readiness. Contact us today to learn more about NPBI technology that kills over 99% of airborne pathogens instantly. Let’s reopen the right way; safely! 


Air Purification Updates From Around The Country


Michigan COVID-19 Grant Ends August 7