The IoT in Solar Energy

Solar energy is vital in meeting the rapid increase in residential and commercial energy consumption. Renewable energy sources require real-time monitoring and adjustment. Just as businesses have practiced load-shedding and varied production schedules to avoid peak demand charges, IoT in solar energy projects works to adapt, conserve, and deliver electricity when needed most.

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Applications of IoT in the Solar Industry

The Internet of Things takes interconnectivity to new levels to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic solar technology. IoT-based solar projects use sensors to monitor many variables, but three main components of solar energy generation:

  1. Production – This involves automated panel angles and fine-tuned adjustments to maximize PV exposure in variable weather conditions.

  2. Transmission – This involved the on-site transmission of electricity from panel to station.

  3. Distribution – IoT solar projects can also direct on-site electricity to the grid, to a private or public facility nearby, or to an energy storage battery nearby.

IoT Solar Panel Tracking

Using a solar panel monitoring system using IoT at a single facility improves efficiency. The real benefit of IoT in renewable energy applications is the scalability of data generated from around the world. IoT could allow for solar fields hundreds of miles apart to share information on weather patterns, notify product owners of trending maintenance needs on specific types of panels, and give private and public solar energy companies more data on efficiency.

Connecting IoT To Businesses Of All Sizes

At Keen, we’re working to bring innovative business leaders in touch with the technology of the future to build a stronger future for their organization. On-site solar, EV charging stations and in-depth energy solutions are exceptional tools to gain a competitive edge in even the tightest markets.

Find out what sets Keen Technical Solutions. Contact us today to get started.


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